Top 5 Advantages of Choosing Clay or Concrete Tiles for your Re-Roofing Project

So,Guest Posting why do clay and concrete tiles enjoy such tremendous popularity in the Dallas Roofers industry? To help you make a well-informed decision, some of the most experienced roofers at Watkins construction and Roofing have listed some of the most prominent reasons behind the popularity of clay and concrete tiles among homeowners. Let’s get started.

1. Enhanced Visual Appeal

Clay and concrete tiles have their own timeless appeal and a unique charm that can help you boost the curb appeal of your home effortlessly. Though most people usually associate them with Mediterranean homes, these tiles can be made to imitate even slate and wood to suit many other architectural styles. Clay and concrete tiles are available in a huge array of styles, colors, and textures and you can find a perfect option to fit your home’s exterior seamlessly.

2. Improved Weather Resistance

The strength and durability of concrete tiles are unparalleled with any other roofing materials. Class A fire rating and exceptionally high hail resistance make them a good choice for homeowners looking for a long-lasting and minimal maintenance roofing solution. When installed by experienced roofers using stringent fastening techniques, roofing tiles can survive high-intensity earthquakes and withstand wind speeds up to 150 mph.

3. Better Energy Efficiency

Today’s advanced technology and innovative designs allow clay and tile roofing to possess amazingly effective ventilation properties. Unlike ordinary roofing options, clay and tile roofing can naturally maintain good airflow and can significantly reduce heat transfer.

4. Cost Savings

The upfront cost of clay or tile roofing may be a little bit higher than other materials. However, if you’re looking for long-term results, this roofing material can help you save some serious money and trouble down the road. They have an exceptional lifespan of over 50 years, need minimal maintenance, and help you save substantially on your electricity bills.

5. More Sustainable & Eco-Friendly

Unlike synthetic roofing materials, clay and concrete tiles are completely natural. In fact, they don’t even need any chemical treatment during the manufacturing process. Moreover, these tiles can be easily recycled that can help save our landfills.

In the long run, they can help save our natural resources with their incredibly long lifespan. As the leading Tile Roofing Institute–certified roofers in Brandon, Madison, Clinton, and Jackson, MS, you can trust our roofing contractors and fully trained professionals for your tile roof replacement and other roofing services.

While it is important to find commercial roofers who can offer an in-depth assessment and analysis of the needs of a particular building, it is also necessary that they offer some sort of upkeep contract. A business owner should look for a team that can offer service for a period of time after the initial installation in which the professionals can be counted on to come out and perform basic maintenance and continued care.

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